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 World of Warcraft wrath of the lich king

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3 posters
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Broj poruka : 36
Godina : 32
Location : Bechej
Konfiguracija : Matichna- gygabite 965p ds3 Procesor- Intel core2duo e6300 @ 2.7ghz Memorija- 2gb kingston ddr2 @
Datum upisa : 13.11.2007

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PočaljiNaslov: World of Warcraft wrath of the lich king   World of Warcraft wrath of the lich king Icon_minitimeSre Nov 14 2007, 19:38

Sta mislite kakva ce ovo biti igra? Ja sam igrao burning crusade i odusevio sam se i ponovo sam poceo da razmisljam da i ja udjem u WoW univerzum. Dodace se Death Knight, nova zanimanja, questovi, i raid instance. farao

Poslednji izmenio ShaX_91 dana Sre Mar 19 2008, 19:46, izmenjeno ukupno 1 puta
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Novi član
Novi član

Broj poruka : 1
Datum upisa : 21.02.2008

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PočaljiNaslov: Re: World of Warcraft wrath of the lich king   World of Warcraft wrath of the lich king Icon_minitimeČet Feb 21 2008, 01:48

Cekaj bre, el ti znas sta ce uopste biti u novoj ekspanziji ?
Glupo je pisati a ne znati o cemu se pise... dakle...

Evo sta ce biti "TOCNO" kako je i blizzard napisao na svom oficijalnom sajtu.. :

Master the necromantic powers of the Death Knight - World of Warcraft's first Hero class.
Quest to level 80, gaining potent new abilities and talents along the way.
Learn the craft of spell augmentation with the new Inscription profession.
Brave the harsh new continent of Northrend, the icy domain of the Lich King.
Engage in epic siege warfare, deploying mighty siege engines to lay waste to destructible buildings in your path.
Transform your hero's look with new character-customization options, including new hairstyles and dances.
Explore perilous new dungeons filled with some of the deadliest creatures -- and greatest treasures -- on Azeroth.
And much, much more...

Kakve rase ti spominjes?
Informisi se prvo pa onda pricaj.

/sign out
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Novi član
Novi član

Broj poruka : 3
Godina : 34
Location : Bechej, Srbija
Konfiguracija : SHENSTIUM! Pa ti vidi..
Datum upisa : 19.01.2010

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PočaljiNaslov: Re: World of Warcraft wrath of the lich king   World of Warcraft wrath of the lich king Icon_minitimeUto Jan 19 2010, 01:40

Ako vam ikakva informacija treba, mozhete da pitate Deva koji je napisao ovaj post. ^^

Happy Gaming


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PočaljiNaslov: Re: World of Warcraft wrath of the lich king   World of Warcraft wrath of the lich king Icon_minitime

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